First the good news...
I gained 1 pound over the last week, just like instructed. That puts me up a total of 12 pounds.
When I went to the doctor this afternoon Max was so active that it was hard for the midwife to check his heartbeat. She was laughing because everytime she applied any pressure he squirmed away. He also kicked her other hand when she rested it on my belly. :) Max is measuring exactly 33 weeks.
And then the bad news...
I got really lightheaded while I was there. I'm drinking enough water so it isn't dehydration, although it is possible that the head cold was just enough to make me feel not so good. My blood pressure was fine. My swelling is not so bad as it was last week. But they still want me to reduce my work hours. At this point I can still work full time but I need to do more of my time at home and less of my time in the office. I'm working with the help desk folks to make my laptop function remotely, so hopefully by tomorrow afternoon I'll be able to work from home as effectively as I do from work. And I go back to the doctor in 2 weeks for a checkup. It is nice to have them move me back to every 2 weeks instead of every week.
And here's the normal update:
How Big is the Baby at 33 Weeks Pregnant?
By pregnancy week 33 your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds and may be a little over 19 inches long!
Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is busy concentrating on weight gain during pregnancy week 33 and during the remainder of your pregnancy week by week. Your amniotic fluid may be at the highest level it will reach during your pregnancy at 33 weeks. Your baby's brain has been busy growing rapidly during pregnancy at 33 weeks, increasing the size of your baby's head by as much as 3/8 of an inch. Your baby's skin will start changing from red to pink as fat begins to accumulate beneath its surface.
Your Growth and Development
By 33 weeks pregnant your uterus is a little over 5 inches above your navel. You may have gained up to 28 pounds by 33 weeks pregnant, though some women will have gained more. During this point in pregnancy many women find that they gain weight faster than at any other time. This is partly due to the rapid growth your baby is experiencing. Most babies will put on 5-9 ounces every week from this point out!
Changes in You
You are probably giddy with excitement by pregnancy 33 weeks at the thought of delivering your baby. Hold on however, you still have a few more weeks to go! You might consider pre-registering at the hospital sometime after pregnancy 33 weeks. Pre-registration will help speed up the admitting process once you are well on your way to delivery. If you are like most women you probably don't want to think about paperwork when you are in the throws of labor.
You are probably experiencing edema or swelling as you continue your pregnancy week by week. This can be particularly noticeable if you live in a hot climate or are in the throws of the third trimester in the middle of summer. Remember to rest on your left side as much as possible to help minimize swelling.
Some women experience pain, numbness and tingling in the fingers and wrists at about this point in pregnancy. It isn't uncommon for the tissues supporting your hands and wrists to swell, which can cause a condition resembling Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The Carpal Tunnel is actually a bony structure in the wrist. When the tissues surrounding it swell, the nerves running through the carpal tunnel can get pinched.
If you work in a job that requires frequent typing, your healthcare provider might suggest you wear a brace to help relieve some of the aching. You should also take frequent breaks to help reduce the discomfort in your hands and wrists.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Questions from Nik and Julian
Nik has now moved beyond asking me "Are you going to pop?" and has asked a few other funny questions.
He asked if the baby is a bad baby when he kicks me (Nik often gets in trouble for kicking the back of my seat in the car or for kicking me under the table at meals).
He asked about my "tele-button" instead of my belly button. He seems to have a new fascination with my huge baby belly.
Last night when Max was so active, Julian came downstairs because he had dropped something on his toe. Since he quickly forgot which toe was hurt, we didn't rush to provide medical attention. He was able to feel Max moving around a whole lot. And is very curious about how big Max is. We gave him a bag of flour to feel, to get an idea for how heavy Max is, but he doesn't seem to really remember how heavy that was. He was asking if Max weighs as much as the tv remote or the computer keyboard. This morning when we were doing laundry he was comparing Max to the box of laundry detergent. He has now said he is worried that Max will be too heavy for him to hold because the laundry detergent (13 pounds) is too heavy. I let him know that we would be having him hold Max while sitting on the couch so that he doesn't have to worry about it and that Max will probably be somewhere around 7 or 8 pounds when he is born so we will have some time before we are at the box of detergent mark.
He asked if the baby is a bad baby when he kicks me (Nik often gets in trouble for kicking the back of my seat in the car or for kicking me under the table at meals).
He asked about my "tele-button" instead of my belly button. He seems to have a new fascination with my huge baby belly.
Last night when Max was so active, Julian came downstairs because he had dropped something on his toe. Since he quickly forgot which toe was hurt, we didn't rush to provide medical attention. He was able to feel Max moving around a whole lot. And is very curious about how big Max is. We gave him a bag of flour to feel, to get an idea for how heavy Max is, but he doesn't seem to really remember how heavy that was. He was asking if Max weighs as much as the tv remote or the computer keyboard. This morning when we were doing laundry he was comparing Max to the box of laundry detergent. He has now said he is worried that Max will be too heavy for him to hold because the laundry detergent (13 pounds) is too heavy. I let him know that we would be having him hold Max while sitting on the couch so that he doesn't have to worry about it and that Max will probably be somewhere around 7 or 8 pounds when he is born so we will have some time before we are at the box of detergent mark.
Fourth Pre-Natal Class
I have a little bit of a cold so I am a little slow to update on this week's class.
Turns out there is really no good way to get the baby out. The video on c-sections freaked me out a little bit. They showed the curtain between the mom's head and body as being really close to her face and it made me feel claustrophobic.
The stupid chick was still there. The worst of her many questions this week was "What is pre-term labor?" even tho she missed a class because she had pre-term labor. The good news is that they are supposed to induce her on Friday so she should not be in class any more.
We also did more complicated breathing patterns. I was surprized at how hard it was to focus on an ad hoc breathing pattern and that was without any contractions or anything. We also learned a lot about the various medications available and the best time to get each one.
Last night Max was SUPER active. Mark and I had settled in for our normal routine of watching A Daily Show and The Colbert Report (through the power of tivo we watch the previous night's show around 8.30pm). Max was all kinds of fired up. He was probably active without a break for about 30 minutes. And at one point he had the hiccoughs too. Not that it slowed him down from his dance routine. At the end he stopped kicking but tried to just expand his space by pushing against me. On the plus side he isn't kicking me in the ribs or causing me any pain or anything. So that's all good.
I also have finished the first baby sock for him. I had the second sock class last night and I learned how to finish the sock. I started the second sock but it is going to need a bit more work before I can declare it done and have a matched pair. I generally enjoyed the process and I am excited to start making another sock.
I should also add that I had the most fantastic of baby showers courtesy of Wendy. Thank you to Wendy and her family for organizing it and to everyone who attended. I had a fantastic time. And Max will certainly not need to be naked!
And Mark found the Ivory Snow so we are now ready to start washing his clothes ready for him to wear them. :)
Turns out there is really no good way to get the baby out. The video on c-sections freaked me out a little bit. They showed the curtain between the mom's head and body as being really close to her face and it made me feel claustrophobic.
The stupid chick was still there. The worst of her many questions this week was "What is pre-term labor?" even tho she missed a class because she had pre-term labor. The good news is that they are supposed to induce her on Friday so she should not be in class any more.
We also did more complicated breathing patterns. I was surprized at how hard it was to focus on an ad hoc breathing pattern and that was without any contractions or anything. We also learned a lot about the various medications available and the best time to get each one.
Last night Max was SUPER active. Mark and I had settled in for our normal routine of watching A Daily Show and The Colbert Report (through the power of tivo we watch the previous night's show around 8.30pm). Max was all kinds of fired up. He was probably active without a break for about 30 minutes. And at one point he had the hiccoughs too. Not that it slowed him down from his dance routine. At the end he stopped kicking but tried to just expand his space by pushing against me. On the plus side he isn't kicking me in the ribs or causing me any pain or anything. So that's all good.
I also have finished the first baby sock for him. I had the second sock class last night and I learned how to finish the sock. I started the second sock but it is going to need a bit more work before I can declare it done and have a matched pair. I generally enjoyed the process and I am excited to start making another sock.
I should also add that I had the most fantastic of baby showers courtesy of Wendy. Thank you to Wendy and her family for organizing it and to everyone who attended. I had a fantastic time. And Max will certainly not need to be naked!
And Mark found the Ivory Snow so we are now ready to start washing his clothes ready for him to wear them. :)
Friday, January 25, 2008
The 32 Week Scoop
I'm working from home today to try to keep things on an even keel. I'm still hopeful my laptop will be ready and I will be better able to work from home and be productive. Monday is an all day meeting for me, but I should be able to get home by 3.30 and rest and relax before prenatal class. Spending time on the couch with my feet up definitely helps with the swelling. The doctor yesterday also gave me a prescription for heartburn medicine to take twice a day to prevent heartburn. I'm pretty happy with that. :)
I definitely have trouble getting off the couch by myself and find that at work I need to sit down where I used to be able to stand and talk to people for fairly long periods of time. Having a footstool at home for when I am sitting to the kitchen table makes a huge difference. The kids have adjusted to it being stored under the table. Nik likes to look at things when I am cooking and he now knows to duck under the table to get the footstool. And he's pretty good at putting it back when he is done!
Here's the scoop on 32 weeks:
How your baby's growing:
By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.
How your life's changing:
To accommodate you and your baby's growing needs, your blood volume has increased 40 to 50 percent since you got pregnant. With your uterus pushing up near your diaphragm and crowding your stomach, the consequences may be shortness of breath and heartburn. To help relieve your discomfort, try sleeping propped up with pillows and eating smaller meals more often.
You may have lower-back pain as your pregnancy advances. If you do, let your caregiver know right away, particularly if you haven't had back pain before, since it can be a sign of preterm labor.Assuming it's not preterm labor that's ailing you, you can probably blame your growing uterus and hormonal changes for your aching back.
Your expanding uterus shifts your center of gravity and stretches out and weakens your abdominal muscles, changing your posture and putting a strain on your back. Hormonal changes in pregnancy loosen your joints and the ligaments that attach your pelvic bones to your spine. This can make you feel less stable and cause pain when you walk, stand, sit for long periods, roll over in bed, get out of a low chair or the tub, bend, or lift things.
How Big is the Baby at 32 Weeks Pregnant?
Your baby continues to put on weight during pregnancy at 32 weeks, and is now almost 4 pounds. By 32 weeks pregnant your baby is also just under 19 inches long.
Your Baby's Growth and Development
By 32 weeks pregnant your baby now has toenails and fingernails to complement her frame, though it will probably be a while before your baby requires an official pedicure or manicure.
Your baby continues to grow strong and put on weight during pregnancy at 32 weeks and in the upcoming weeks.
Your Growth and Development
By pregnancy 32 weeks the total volume of blood circulating in your body is about 40 to 50 percent higher than it was before you became pregnant. This added blood volume helps accommodate your fetus. You are probably still gaining about one pound per week during pregnancy 32 weeks. Some women find they are experiencing more shortness of breath at this time during their pregnancy. Be sure you avoid overexertion and take time to rest during the day.
You might start experiencing pain in your buttocks and lower back among other places by pregnancy week 32 as your center of gravity shifts. Take care when walking to avoid unnecessary falls or slips!
Changes in You
If you are having twins, during pregnancy week 32 your uterus would probably be the same size it would be at 40 weeks in a singleton pregnancy! In a single pregnancy the uterus typically measures about 5 inches above the belly button now. The increasing size of your uterus can contribute to heartburn and indigestion as well as a sense of breathlessness during pregnancy.
At this point you should make an effort to drink lots of water as you continue your pregnancy week by week and consume foods high in fiber to help combat constipation, which is typically during late pregnancy. As you continue to grow your hips will start to expand and your ligaments will stretch to help prepare your body for labor.
I definitely have trouble getting off the couch by myself and find that at work I need to sit down where I used to be able to stand and talk to people for fairly long periods of time. Having a footstool at home for when I am sitting to the kitchen table makes a huge difference. The kids have adjusted to it being stored under the table. Nik likes to look at things when I am cooking and he now knows to duck under the table to get the footstool. And he's pretty good at putting it back when he is done!
Here's the scoop on 32 weeks:
How your baby's growing:
By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.
How your life's changing:
To accommodate you and your baby's growing needs, your blood volume has increased 40 to 50 percent since you got pregnant. With your uterus pushing up near your diaphragm and crowding your stomach, the consequences may be shortness of breath and heartburn. To help relieve your discomfort, try sleeping propped up with pillows and eating smaller meals more often.
You may have lower-back pain as your pregnancy advances. If you do, let your caregiver know right away, particularly if you haven't had back pain before, since it can be a sign of preterm labor.Assuming it's not preterm labor that's ailing you, you can probably blame your growing uterus and hormonal changes for your aching back.
Your expanding uterus shifts your center of gravity and stretches out and weakens your abdominal muscles, changing your posture and putting a strain on your back. Hormonal changes in pregnancy loosen your joints and the ligaments that attach your pelvic bones to your spine. This can make you feel less stable and cause pain when you walk, stand, sit for long periods, roll over in bed, get out of a low chair or the tub, bend, or lift things.
How Big is the Baby at 32 Weeks Pregnant?
Your baby continues to put on weight during pregnancy at 32 weeks, and is now almost 4 pounds. By 32 weeks pregnant your baby is also just under 19 inches long.
Your Baby's Growth and Development
By 32 weeks pregnant your baby now has toenails and fingernails to complement her frame, though it will probably be a while before your baby requires an official pedicure or manicure.
Your baby continues to grow strong and put on weight during pregnancy at 32 weeks and in the upcoming weeks.
Your Growth and Development
By pregnancy 32 weeks the total volume of blood circulating in your body is about 40 to 50 percent higher than it was before you became pregnant. This added blood volume helps accommodate your fetus. You are probably still gaining about one pound per week during pregnancy 32 weeks. Some women find they are experiencing more shortness of breath at this time during their pregnancy. Be sure you avoid overexertion and take time to rest during the day.
You might start experiencing pain in your buttocks and lower back among other places by pregnancy week 32 as your center of gravity shifts. Take care when walking to avoid unnecessary falls or slips!
Changes in You
If you are having twins, during pregnancy week 32 your uterus would probably be the same size it would be at 40 weeks in a singleton pregnancy! In a single pregnancy the uterus typically measures about 5 inches above the belly button now. The increasing size of your uterus can contribute to heartburn and indigestion as well as a sense of breathlessness during pregnancy.
At this point you should make an effort to drink lots of water as you continue your pregnancy week by week and consume foods high in fiber to help combat constipation, which is typically during late pregnancy. As you continue to grow your hips will start to expand and your ligaments will stretch to help prepare your body for labor.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
32 Weeks = An Eventful Day
So today I went in for my 32 week check up with the midwife. My blood pressure was fine and my weight gain was fine (1 pound a week for the last two weeks for a total gain of 11 pounds), but I raised the issues I have seen over the last two weeks. Those issues include headaches, pain in my ribs on the right side, swollen feet, swollen ankles, and pain on my right side under my ribs. So they decided that they needed to do a bunch of test to see if I had pre-eclampsia. And they decided that it would be better for me to go to the hospital and do the tests and have the monitoring. The hospital runs the tests immediately instead of sending them off and getting the results in 2 or 3 days.
So I called Mark freaking out. And we decided that we both had 1pm meetings (mine was with my boss to talk about key issues for the week and my schedule) so we would go after the meetings. This worked well with the hospital's schedule too since they would have some time to deal with my paperwork before I arrived. So I went to work and had my meeting and then headed to the hospital.
It wasn't hard to find and I was able to park and then get to the labor and delivery ward without issue. They started working on my paperwork. The good news is that they not only had my pre-admitance form, but they also were able to fill in all of the other info from talking to me today. So when I show up in labor later, everything will be taken care of.
They hooked me up to the monitors and started checking my blood pressure and Max's heartbeat. They also confirmed that I was not having contractions. Max moved around a bit after the first hour and made it a little more difficult to track his heartbeat, but his heart rate was around 140 most of the time. I didn't realize that he is getting a work out in the womb. Whenever he gives a big kick his heart rate goes up. And then settles back down. They had us on the monitors for about 2 hours. And Mark was there with me for most of the time so that really helped to reduce my stress.
My blood pressure was fine all three times they checked it. And the bloodwork all came back just fine too. And they confirmed my guess that I am O positive. :) The people were all very nice. And the midwife in the hospital today is the same one I have my 33 week appointment with. So that is good for me for when I go back in next Thursday.
The doctor (same doctor I saw at my last visit to the doctor's office -- I like her a lot) said that I am allowed to keep working now, but that I need to keep an eye on my stress level. And if I don't keep my stress level down then she will have to stop me from working. So it looks like my plan of changing my work hours to keep my commute short works well with my doctor's idea of reducing my stress. I'll be working 9.30 to 3pm in the office and doing the rest of my hours from home. I'll go in tomorrow just long enough to get my laptop and then I'll be really set up to work from home and get more done.
I'm tired now so you will have to wait to get the 32 week update.
So I called Mark freaking out. And we decided that we both had 1pm meetings (mine was with my boss to talk about key issues for the week and my schedule) so we would go after the meetings. This worked well with the hospital's schedule too since they would have some time to deal with my paperwork before I arrived. So I went to work and had my meeting and then headed to the hospital.
It wasn't hard to find and I was able to park and then get to the labor and delivery ward without issue. They started working on my paperwork. The good news is that they not only had my pre-admitance form, but they also were able to fill in all of the other info from talking to me today. So when I show up in labor later, everything will be taken care of.
They hooked me up to the monitors and started checking my blood pressure and Max's heartbeat. They also confirmed that I was not having contractions. Max moved around a bit after the first hour and made it a little more difficult to track his heartbeat, but his heart rate was around 140 most of the time. I didn't realize that he is getting a work out in the womb. Whenever he gives a big kick his heart rate goes up. And then settles back down. They had us on the monitors for about 2 hours. And Mark was there with me for most of the time so that really helped to reduce my stress.
My blood pressure was fine all three times they checked it. And the bloodwork all came back just fine too. And they confirmed my guess that I am O positive. :) The people were all very nice. And the midwife in the hospital today is the same one I have my 33 week appointment with. So that is good for me for when I go back in next Thursday.
The doctor (same doctor I saw at my last visit to the doctor's office -- I like her a lot) said that I am allowed to keep working now, but that I need to keep an eye on my stress level. And if I don't keep my stress level down then she will have to stop me from working. So it looks like my plan of changing my work hours to keep my commute short works well with my doctor's idea of reducing my stress. I'll be working 9.30 to 3pm in the office and doing the rest of my hours from home. I'll go in tomorrow just long enough to get my laptop and then I'll be really set up to work from home and get more done.
I'm tired now so you will have to wait to get the 32 week update.
Monday, January 21, 2008
3rd PreNatal Class
Tonight's class was a little bit different. It was dominated by a stupid person and we had a video of 3 people giving birth. The stupid person wasted a lot of class time on things like "So the baby will be a Virginia resident just because he is born in Virginia? I was born in Florida but I am a Virginia resident" and "I thought you said there wouldn't be an automatic IV when I went to the hospital but I went in last week and they gave me an IV." The instructor explained that for pre-term labor one of the first things they do is try to hydrate you because that can stop contractions. The stupid person again asked "But you said you didn't have to have an IV and they made me have an IV." And the instructor again tried to stress that it was because she was having PRE-TERM labor. There was something else where everyone else in the class was able to answer the question the second time she asked it, but my coping skills are blocking those details out.
The birthing video wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. But it wasn't great. I don't need to see it again. They didn't focus a lot on the gore. Mostly it was focused on how three different couples coped with the stages of labor. All three couples were non-medicated. I'd like to see a video that shows what happens when you walk in and say "I want drugs and I want them now" so that I will have a better idea of what my process will be like! :) It was also really good to hear that the doctor's office has an episiotomy rate of 5%. And that they have a very low rate of 4th degree lacerations. They have a lot of techniques for avoiding tears and cuts and I have to say I really like to hear that...
Max is still kicking around happily. We have been doing our kick journal for the last week. Tonight it took 5 minutes for us to count all 5 kicks. We started counting at 7pm which was about an hour after I ate dinner. We always try to count at 7pm. It usually takes about 10 minutes, but sometimes it has taken more like 45 minutes, with 8 of the 10 kicks coming right at the end. I think we are just getting unlucky sometimes and Max is sleeping during counting time. He is active enough that I'm not really worried about him not moving around enough. But we are doing the journal to provide a baseline for later in case it is needed.
Tonight we also learned more about what to pack for the hospital and how many people can be in the room when I am giving birth. I can have up to 5 people in the room but Mark will be the only person. I hadn't realized that there could be as many as 7 medical personnel in the room. I think that is only when needed towards the end and that it would mostly be a nurse, the midwife, and the guy with the drugs. Good to be prepared for a whole lot of people to be there. We had mostly figured out the stuff we needed for the hospital, but we hadn't realized we needed to provide the name of the pediatrician. We already have one for the kids so we will just provide that info to the hospital. It is an easy fix. We also knew we needed the insurance cards and we are waiting for them to arrive. So again, easy enough to get that ready in the not too distant future.
The birthing video wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. But it wasn't great. I don't need to see it again. They didn't focus a lot on the gore. Mostly it was focused on how three different couples coped with the stages of labor. All three couples were non-medicated. I'd like to see a video that shows what happens when you walk in and say "I want drugs and I want them now" so that I will have a better idea of what my process will be like! :) It was also really good to hear that the doctor's office has an episiotomy rate of 5%. And that they have a very low rate of 4th degree lacerations. They have a lot of techniques for avoiding tears and cuts and I have to say I really like to hear that...
Max is still kicking around happily. We have been doing our kick journal for the last week. Tonight it took 5 minutes for us to count all 5 kicks. We started counting at 7pm which was about an hour after I ate dinner. We always try to count at 7pm. It usually takes about 10 minutes, but sometimes it has taken more like 45 minutes, with 8 of the 10 kicks coming right at the end. I think we are just getting unlucky sometimes and Max is sleeping during counting time. He is active enough that I'm not really worried about him not moving around enough. But we are doing the journal to provide a baseline for later in case it is needed.
Tonight we also learned more about what to pack for the hospital and how many people can be in the room when I am giving birth. I can have up to 5 people in the room but Mark will be the only person. I hadn't realized that there could be as many as 7 medical personnel in the room. I think that is only when needed towards the end and that it would mostly be a nurse, the midwife, and the guy with the drugs. Good to be prepared for a whole lot of people to be there. We had mostly figured out the stuff we needed for the hospital, but we hadn't realized we needed to provide the name of the pediatrician. We already have one for the kids so we will just provide that info to the hospital. It is an easy fix. We also knew we needed the insurance cards and we are waiting for them to arrive. So again, easy enough to get that ready in the not too distant future.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
31 Weeks
My unofficial weigh in today has me up 10.5 pounds. The goal was to be up 11 pounds next Thursday at my doctor's appointment. So I seem to be well on my way to meeting that target.
After Tuesday's extreme exhaustion followed by a baby growth spurt, Max and I seem to be back to living in harmony. I'm having trouble getting comfortable at night because of his weight, but I'm hopeful I can find a position that will work for me. I seem to have slept pretty well last night after I fell asleep, so here's hoping it is just a matter of falling asleep that first time. He is still very active, sometimes when I am trying to fall asleep. He sometimes kicks gently, but most of the kicks are now obvious to the eyes of an observer.
Today is very snowy. It is so beautiful. But it also makes me happy that I am a part time teleworker who doesn't have to travel into DC today for a meeting. :) I am very lucky indeed.
Here's the 31 week scoop:
Your baby's arms, legs and body continue to fill out -- and they are finally proportional in size to her head. She weighs about 3.3 pounds/1.5 kilograms and looks more like a newborn. She measures about 16 inches/ 41 centimetres from crown to toe.
You may notice your baby isn't moving around as much. Don't worry; she's just running out of space in your uterus. As long as you can feel her squirming, you'll know she's just fine. Believe it or not, she still has plenty of growing to do. You can expect her to gain at least two more pounds/900 grams before delivery. Your baby's organs are continuing to mature and she is passing water from her bladder: good practice for the urinating she'll do after she's born. Soon you can wonder what your baby is wishing for -- brain scans have shown that fetuses have periods of dream sleep around month eight.
The rate of physical growth slows down just a bit, but even though she doesn't get much longer, she will gain a lot of weight the rest of the pregnancy.
Fat continues accumulating. This layer of fat turns her skin from red to the rosy pink she will have as a newborn.
Calcium, phosphorus and iron are being stored and his bones are growing and hardening.
Your baby is 16.2 inches (41.1cm) long and weighs 3.3 pounds (1502gm)
His brain enters another period of rapid growth, producing hundreds of billions of new nerve cells! Amazing!
She may move to the rhythm of music. Studies with heart rates show that she also prefers some types of music to others -- already!
Lungs are the only major organ left to complete development. Remember, that while you may be anxious to meet your little one that these last few weeks can be vital - with each day increasing your baby's ability to breathe on her own.
After Tuesday's extreme exhaustion followed by a baby growth spurt, Max and I seem to be back to living in harmony. I'm having trouble getting comfortable at night because of his weight, but I'm hopeful I can find a position that will work for me. I seem to have slept pretty well last night after I fell asleep, so here's hoping it is just a matter of falling asleep that first time. He is still very active, sometimes when I am trying to fall asleep. He sometimes kicks gently, but most of the kicks are now obvious to the eyes of an observer.
Today is very snowy. It is so beautiful. But it also makes me happy that I am a part time teleworker who doesn't have to travel into DC today for a meeting. :) I am very lucky indeed.
Here's the 31 week scoop:
Your baby's arms, legs and body continue to fill out -- and they are finally proportional in size to her head. She weighs about 3.3 pounds/1.5 kilograms and looks more like a newborn. She measures about 16 inches/ 41 centimetres from crown to toe.
You may notice your baby isn't moving around as much. Don't worry; she's just running out of space in your uterus. As long as you can feel her squirming, you'll know she's just fine. Believe it or not, she still has plenty of growing to do. You can expect her to gain at least two more pounds/900 grams before delivery. Your baby's organs are continuing to mature and she is passing water from her bladder: good practice for the urinating she'll do after she's born. Soon you can wonder what your baby is wishing for -- brain scans have shown that fetuses have periods of dream sleep around month eight.
The rate of physical growth slows down just a bit, but even though she doesn't get much longer, she will gain a lot of weight the rest of the pregnancy.
Fat continues accumulating. This layer of fat turns her skin from red to the rosy pink she will have as a newborn.
Calcium, phosphorus and iron are being stored and his bones are growing and hardening.
Your baby is 16.2 inches (41.1cm) long and weighs 3.3 pounds (1502gm)
His brain enters another period of rapid growth, producing hundreds of billions of new nerve cells! Amazing!
She may move to the rhythm of music. Studies with heart rates show that she also prefers some types of music to others -- already!
Lungs are the only major organ left to complete development. Remember, that while you may be anxious to meet your little one that these last few weeks can be vital - with each day increasing your baby's ability to breathe on her own.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Pre-Natal Class #2
Last night was our second class. It was focused on labor, although we did a little of the relaxation breathing at the end. Mark was happy that we were able to both breathe this time at class. :)
The class is good and it slowly showing me that denial is not going to be a good coping mechanism for dealing with labor. I told Mark that I had changed my mind about having a baby but he seemed to think it was a little late to be thinking like that. I will admit that hearing what will happen and what to expect is really helping. And hearing that the longest part of the labor is typically the part that is not totally painful beyond belief. That's helpful information.
Next week we learn about delivery.
I was also able to ask the midwife teacher about my heartburn which had been 28 hours of unrelenting pain at that point. She asked about headaches, and I said I had a headache but that having a headache was not unusual for me. She asked if I had any swelling but since I still have ankles, that was eliminated. She said it was possible that the spaghetti sauce we had on Sunday was the issue, even tho it wasn't spicy. Could be I am just sensitive to it now. But then Mark and I were thinking back and I had heartburn before dinner on Sunday so it wasn't necessarily the tomato sauce. At this point we don't know why I was suffering but the pain has stopped and I'll just settle for that. We also now own other meds that I can use if I have heartburn. So hopefully we will not have a repeat of yesterday's unending pain.
Meanwhile yesterday seems to have worn me out completely. I have no energy. So I'm going to take a sick leave today and rest. Because I see no other choice. Getting the kids where they need to be is proving to be totally exhausting. Getting myself into work and being functional is just too much for me to handle today. So hopefully a day of rest today will solve the problem and tomorrow will be a better day.
The class is good and it slowly showing me that denial is not going to be a good coping mechanism for dealing with labor. I told Mark that I had changed my mind about having a baby but he seemed to think it was a little late to be thinking like that. I will admit that hearing what will happen and what to expect is really helping. And hearing that the longest part of the labor is typically the part that is not totally painful beyond belief. That's helpful information.
Next week we learn about delivery.
I was also able to ask the midwife teacher about my heartburn which had been 28 hours of unrelenting pain at that point. She asked about headaches, and I said I had a headache but that having a headache was not unusual for me. She asked if I had any swelling but since I still have ankles, that was eliminated. She said it was possible that the spaghetti sauce we had on Sunday was the issue, even tho it wasn't spicy. Could be I am just sensitive to it now. But then Mark and I were thinking back and I had heartburn before dinner on Sunday so it wasn't necessarily the tomato sauce. At this point we don't know why I was suffering but the pain has stopped and I'll just settle for that. We also now own other meds that I can use if I have heartburn. So hopefully we will not have a repeat of yesterday's unending pain.
Meanwhile yesterday seems to have worn me out completely. I have no energy. So I'm going to take a sick leave today and rest. Because I see no other choice. Getting the kids where they need to be is proving to be totally exhausting. Getting myself into work and being functional is just too much for me to handle today. So hopefully a day of rest today will solve the problem and tomorrow will be a better day.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
30 Weeks - Head of Cabbage
My weigh in this morning put my down a half a pound from last week. My official weigh in at the doctor's appointment shows me up 2 pounds over the last two weeks. So they are happy with that. I'm up 8.5 pounds, and they would like me to gain about a pound a week for the next 10 weeks.
The baby's heartbeat was good, my blood pressure was good, and they are pleased that I still have ankles. I asked about my arms falling asleep at night and she said it was related to having extra blood and wrists not being able to swell up. So unless it becomes a major problem, not to worry about it. She said I could try sleeping in wrist guards to see if that solves the problem. That's a pretty easy solution so I may give it a try.
I've done all the paperwork for the hospital, so I have an appointment in 2 weeks for another check up and they will schedule a visit to the hospital at that time. I will also need to check with the prenatal class to see if that includes a scheduled visit to the hospital.
Max seems to be pretty active. He's starting to put pressure on me instead of just wiggling about. I usually can't identify what part of him is pushing on me, although I feel pretty sure I had a foot the other day. After I moved his foot to make myself comfortable he moved his butt to make himself comfortable and was not interested in moving to help me out. Today he seems to be tucked up against me more than usual which is putting some pressure on me internally. I'm not to the point of taking a shower to make him budge yet, but that may still be part of my plan for the day...
Here's the scoop on 30 weeks:
How your baby's growing:
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)
How your life's changing:
You may be feeling a little tired these days, especially if you're having trouble sleeping. You might also feel clumsier than normal, which is perfectly understandable. Not only are you heavier, but the concentration of weight in your pregnant belly causes a shift in your center of gravity. Plus, thanks to hormonal changes, your ligaments are more lax, so your joints are looser, which may also contribute to your balance being a bit off. Also, this relaxation of your ligaments can actually cause your feet to spread permanently, so you may have to invest in some new shoes in a bigger size.Remember those mood swings you had earlier in pregnancy? The combination of uncomfortable symptoms and hormonal changes can result in a return of those emotional ups and downs. It's normal to worry about what your labor will be like or whether you'll be a good parent. But if you can't shake the blues or feel increasingly irritable or agitated, talk to your doctor or midwife. You may be among the 1 in 10 expectant women who battle depression during pregnancy. Also let your caregiver know if you're frequently nervous or anxious.
How Big is the Baby at 30 Weeks Pregnant?
By 30 weeks pregnant your baby weighs almost 3 pounds and is just about 17 inches long!
Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is continuing to grow and develop during pregnancy at 30 weeks, filling out your uterus more and more every day. You have probably noticed an arm or leg moving across your belly at one time or another. Many parents have a lot of fun playing "guess the body part" as their unborn baby moves underneath mom's belly during pregnancy 30 weeks. This game is even more interesting as your pregnancy week by week continues. A hard round lump is likely either the head or your baby's bottom, whereas a longer flat surface may be your baby's back. Your healthcare provider may be able to help you identify your baby's bumps and lumps at your next prenatal visit.
The volume of amniotic fluid in your belly will slowly start to decrease as your baby starts to take up more and more space in your belly.
Your Growth and Development
Your uterus is now about 4 inches above your belly button at pregnancy week 30. You are now in the home stretch of pregnancy by pregnancy at 30 weeks, and quickly running out of room to expand!
Changes in You
You are probably starting to feel more tired by 30 weeks pregnant. This is due in part to the increasing levels of progesterone in your body during pregnancy 30 weeks and in part because you are probably having trouble getting comfortable enough to sleep at night. If you haven't already invested in a body pillow or two by now, you should.
The baby's heartbeat was good, my blood pressure was good, and they are pleased that I still have ankles. I asked about my arms falling asleep at night and she said it was related to having extra blood and wrists not being able to swell up. So unless it becomes a major problem, not to worry about it. She said I could try sleeping in wrist guards to see if that solves the problem. That's a pretty easy solution so I may give it a try.
I've done all the paperwork for the hospital, so I have an appointment in 2 weeks for another check up and they will schedule a visit to the hospital at that time. I will also need to check with the prenatal class to see if that includes a scheduled visit to the hospital.
Max seems to be pretty active. He's starting to put pressure on me instead of just wiggling about. I usually can't identify what part of him is pushing on me, although I feel pretty sure I had a foot the other day. After I moved his foot to make myself comfortable he moved his butt to make himself comfortable and was not interested in moving to help me out. Today he seems to be tucked up against me more than usual which is putting some pressure on me internally. I'm not to the point of taking a shower to make him budge yet, but that may still be part of my plan for the day...
Here's the scoop on 30 weeks:
How your baby's growing:
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)
How your life's changing:
You may be feeling a little tired these days, especially if you're having trouble sleeping. You might also feel clumsier than normal, which is perfectly understandable. Not only are you heavier, but the concentration of weight in your pregnant belly causes a shift in your center of gravity. Plus, thanks to hormonal changes, your ligaments are more lax, so your joints are looser, which may also contribute to your balance being a bit off. Also, this relaxation of your ligaments can actually cause your feet to spread permanently, so you may have to invest in some new shoes in a bigger size.Remember those mood swings you had earlier in pregnancy? The combination of uncomfortable symptoms and hormonal changes can result in a return of those emotional ups and downs. It's normal to worry about what your labor will be like or whether you'll be a good parent. But if you can't shake the blues or feel increasingly irritable or agitated, talk to your doctor or midwife. You may be among the 1 in 10 expectant women who battle depression during pregnancy. Also let your caregiver know if you're frequently nervous or anxious.
How Big is the Baby at 30 Weeks Pregnant?
By 30 weeks pregnant your baby weighs almost 3 pounds and is just about 17 inches long!
Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is continuing to grow and develop during pregnancy at 30 weeks, filling out your uterus more and more every day. You have probably noticed an arm or leg moving across your belly at one time or another. Many parents have a lot of fun playing "guess the body part" as their unborn baby moves underneath mom's belly during pregnancy 30 weeks. This game is even more interesting as your pregnancy week by week continues. A hard round lump is likely either the head or your baby's bottom, whereas a longer flat surface may be your baby's back. Your healthcare provider may be able to help you identify your baby's bumps and lumps at your next prenatal visit.
The volume of amniotic fluid in your belly will slowly start to decrease as your baby starts to take up more and more space in your belly.
Your Growth and Development
Your uterus is now about 4 inches above your belly button at pregnancy week 30. You are now in the home stretch of pregnancy by pregnancy at 30 weeks, and quickly running out of room to expand!
Changes in You
You are probably starting to feel more tired by 30 weeks pregnant. This is due in part to the increasing levels of progesterone in your body during pregnancy 30 weeks and in part because you are probably having trouble getting comfortable enough to sleep at night. If you haven't already invested in a body pillow or two by now, you should.
Your balance is probably quite a bit skewed by 30 weeks pregnant. In addition pregnancy hormones have allowed your joints to loosen. Many women find that their feet go up an entire size during pregnancy. This is due to these loosening joints. Most of the time if your foot grows during pregnancy, it will not go back to normal after (sorry ladies!).
Many women find that they are experiencing more emotional swings once again when they enter the third trimester.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
2 Kids and a Baby to say nothing of the cat...
Ok, so maybe not everyone knows Jerome K. Jerome...
So last night after dinner Max was being pretty active. He was active most of yesterday afternoon. Mark thinks it was because I was feeling stressed about the school meetings (which went well in the end). Since Max was visibly active, Mark and I called the kids over to look. I was also wearing a dress that had 2 vertical panels set into it, and Max was moving around between the black of the dress and the right-most panel which was grey. So it was pretty easy to point out to the kids where to look. So they saw him. And put their tiny hands on my tummy and felt him. It was the first time that they have been able to feel him, and the first time that Nik has tried. Nik then turned around and looked at the sonogram pictures on the fridge and commented that it was that baby that was in my tummy. It was so sweet. And such a great connection for him to make.
Today Max is just as active but I'm stuck at work instead of taking Max home to play with his brothers. :)
So last night after dinner Max was being pretty active. He was active most of yesterday afternoon. Mark thinks it was because I was feeling stressed about the school meetings (which went well in the end). Since Max was visibly active, Mark and I called the kids over to look. I was also wearing a dress that had 2 vertical panels set into it, and Max was moving around between the black of the dress and the right-most panel which was grey. So it was pretty easy to point out to the kids where to look. So they saw him. And put their tiny hands on my tummy and felt him. It was the first time that they have been able to feel him, and the first time that Nik has tried. Nik then turned around and looked at the sonogram pictures on the fridge and commented that it was that baby that was in my tummy. It was so sweet. And such a great connection for him to make.
Today Max is just as active but I'm stuck at work instead of taking Max home to play with his brothers. :)
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
First Pre-Natal Class
I'll start with answering Bob's question first. Yes, we did end up sitting on the floor just like you always see in movies. That was at the end of class.
We got there at 7pm with no real issues. It seems to take us each about 20 minutes to make the drive at that time of day. We went and got signed into the class. The first half of the first class was taken up with introductions, due dates, and finding out what everyone wanted to get out of the class. Being a control freak, I want to learn as much as possible ahead of time so that when things pop up unexpectedly I will feel a little bit more in control of the situation. I understand that I can't control everything, but I would like to at least feel like I know enough to make a reasonable decision. I think it will help that this is M's third child so he knows a bit more about what will actually be happening.
We looked at some photos of babies at various stages of development. They had one photo of 28 weeks and since I'm almost 30 weeks now it was good to see that. A little scary to see the 36 week picture since that baby was a whole lot bigger than the 28 week baby.
It was some good basic information. Nothing really new or amazing, but it was presented well and gave a good overview of what is coming up next.
At the end we did the relaxation exercise. M and I learned that we need to modify our position because I felt relaxed but he couldn't breathe. There has to be some middle ground where we can both breathe. :) We are going to try a couple of relaxation sessions at home to practice before the next class. I learned the deep cleansing breathe and a deep regular breathing pattern. Next week more breathing patterns will be added in.
It seems like this class is nice because in addition to giving a review of the basics, it covers labor, breastfeeding, and the transition to being at home with the baby. For M it was also a good overview of the ideals of my doctor's office. It is a collaborative practice between the doctors and the midwives, and since they work with Alexandria Hospital, they are also fairly flexible on birth plans. So I think that makes both of us feel pretty good.
As I said to M, taking the class is really interfering with my primary coping skill of denial. I've been pregnant for a long time (almost 7 months) and I have a couple of months to go. I know that the end result is a baby, but it is easier to just focus on the pregnancy and not really focus on the birth part. This class is making me face the reality of what it to come, but I think that will be good because it will also give us time to figure out what we want during the birth process. I have already been able to tell M that I do not want him to leave the room other than for potty breaks. And I don't want anyone else in the room other than medical professionals. We also need to work on our plan for what to do with N and J if we have custody of them when I go into labor. 10 weeks suddenly doesn't seem like any time at all....
We got there at 7pm with no real issues. It seems to take us each about 20 minutes to make the drive at that time of day. We went and got signed into the class. The first half of the first class was taken up with introductions, due dates, and finding out what everyone wanted to get out of the class. Being a control freak, I want to learn as much as possible ahead of time so that when things pop up unexpectedly I will feel a little bit more in control of the situation. I understand that I can't control everything, but I would like to at least feel like I know enough to make a reasonable decision. I think it will help that this is M's third child so he knows a bit more about what will actually be happening.
We looked at some photos of babies at various stages of development. They had one photo of 28 weeks and since I'm almost 30 weeks now it was good to see that. A little scary to see the 36 week picture since that baby was a whole lot bigger than the 28 week baby.
It was some good basic information. Nothing really new or amazing, but it was presented well and gave a good overview of what is coming up next.
At the end we did the relaxation exercise. M and I learned that we need to modify our position because I felt relaxed but he couldn't breathe. There has to be some middle ground where we can both breathe. :) We are going to try a couple of relaxation sessions at home to practice before the next class. I learned the deep cleansing breathe and a deep regular breathing pattern. Next week more breathing patterns will be added in.
It seems like this class is nice because in addition to giving a review of the basics, it covers labor, breastfeeding, and the transition to being at home with the baby. For M it was also a good overview of the ideals of my doctor's office. It is a collaborative practice between the doctors and the midwives, and since they work with Alexandria Hospital, they are also fairly flexible on birth plans. So I think that makes both of us feel pretty good.
As I said to M, taking the class is really interfering with my primary coping skill of denial. I've been pregnant for a long time (almost 7 months) and I have a couple of months to go. I know that the end result is a baby, but it is easier to just focus on the pregnancy and not really focus on the birth part. This class is making me face the reality of what it to come, but I think that will be good because it will also give us time to figure out what we want during the birth process. I have already been able to tell M that I do not want him to leave the room other than for potty breaks. And I don't want anyone else in the room other than medical professionals. We also need to work on our plan for what to do with N and J if we have custody of them when I go into labor. 10 weeks suddenly doesn't seem like any time at all....
Thursday, January 3, 2008
29 weeks
The official weigh in has me up 1 pound from last week for a total of 9 pounds gained over 29 weeks. I expect to gain at least a pound a week for the rest of the pregnancy now that the baby is going to be putting on so much weight.
I seem to be finally recovering from my cold. Today is the first day in over a week that I have actually felt ok.
Max had been pretty quiet this morning until I started doing the update. Maybe he can sense I am talking about him. :) He tends to be an active baby, moving around a lot and kicking frequently. Happily he hasn't yet kicked me in a painful way. And he's still pretty nice about kicking, waiting a moment, and then kicking again in the same place. That makes it easier for other people to feel him moving.
I'm still having frequent heartburn but it is less than it was before I got some tips on how to handle it. Nightime is still pretty tough for me. Between the heartburn and the cold and the constant need to pee, it is really hard for me to get to sleep. And tired as I might be during the day, I can't seem to get a nap. Someone calls or someone needs something or I just can't get comfy enough to fall asleep. I'm hoping to catch up on some sleep over the weekend.
My parents are coming up today and bringing the crib. I bought the crib set over the weekend so I am very excited about getting the bed set up and the sheets on it. I think that will make me feel a lot more prepared. :)
Here's the 29 week update:
You are 29 weeks pregnant. Now baby's head is proportionate to the rest of her body. Your baby continues to gain weight and fat gathers under her skin. By now, the brain controls a primitive form of breathing. Her eyes are also moving inside the sockets and are able to respond to light and dark.
Your baby's adrenal glands have also started to produce the hormones including androgen and estrogen which stimulate the hormone prolactin in the mother's body. This causes her to make colostrum, a nutritious milk that feeds baby in the first few days after birth.
Feel Like a Punching Bag?Those first few delicate flutters that you first felt way back in your pregnancy have now turned into sharp jabs and hard kicks, some powerful enough to take your breath away! Yes, baby is active now but if, for some reason, you do notice that it's been a bit quiet in there, keep count of fetal kicks. If you can't feel anything, drink some fruit juice and then lie down; this can often lead to some baby gymnastics! You should be counting about ten fetal movements each hour.
Week 29
How Big is the Baby at 29 Weeks Pregnant?By pregnancy week 29 your baby weighs about 2.7 pounds and is more than 16 and a half inches long!
Your Baby's Growth and DevelopmentBy 29 weeks pregnant baby has now entered the third trimester, week 29! From pregnancy 29 weeks and beyond you will experience among other things rapid weight gain. Your baby's muscles and lungs will continue to develop and mature during your pregnancy at 29 weeks and the weeks ahead. At 29 weeks pregnancy your baby's brain is also developing and maturing, with billions of neurons forming daily. Your baby requires more nutrition than ever from 29 weeks pregnant and beyond, so it is important that you do everything possible to eat well and get plenty of sleep during this important developmental period!
Your Growth and DevelopmentBy 29 weeks pregnancy your uterus is now about 3 and a half to four inches above your belly button. Your weight gain may be as high as 25 to 26 pounds by pregnancy week 29. You definitely look and feel pregnant for the remainder of your pregnancy week by week!
Changes in YouWelcome to the third trimester! By pregnancy at 29 weeks you may begin thinking about all of the neat aspects of having a newborn baby, such as labor and delivery!
By pregnancy week 29 you are probably plagued by heartburn once again, as your belly grows more and more substantial each day. You should be paying attention to your baby's movements each and every day from pregnancy week 29. In general you will notice patterns of rest and wakefulness in your baby. If you notice any abnormal movement patterns or a substantial reduction in movement be sure to contact your healthcare provider immediately.
Now more than ever it is important that you eat several small meals per day. Your baby needs the nutrients, and your digestive processes have slowed tremendously due to rising levels of progesterone and the decreasing space in your belly.
It is also important that you drink plenty of water during the third trimester to help ward off constipation, which can result in hemorrhoids.
Now is the time to start enjoying the last few weeks of your pregnancy. Many women find this time liberating. This is the last time you will have to pamper yourself for quite some time to come. If you are in the mood you should take some time to grab a facial or pedicure while you still can. Nothing makes a laboring mother look better than a set of well manicured toes!
29 Weeks Pregnant: An Overview
Now you're 29 weeks pregnant -- only 12 more weeks to go.
As you embark on the final months of your pregnancy, expect to put on at least 10 more pounds. One thing to keep in mind when looking for parking spots is to make sure to have a little extra room on your side. At 29 weeks pregnant, there is no more slipping quickly in or out of the car. You may have already learned that you need to have the car door completely open so that you can get out. You may even need a little help from your partner.
At 29 weeks pregnant, your baby is about 10.5 inches in length from crown to rump and weighs about 2 pounds, 12 ounces.
As your baby continues to grow during week 29 of pregnancy, his or her movements will become more frequent and vigorous. Some of the movements may even take your breath away! If you notice a decrease in movement from your baby, you should do a fetal kick count by counting the number of times that your baby moves in one hour. By the time you are 29 weeks pregnant, your baby should move at least 10 times in one hour. If your baby moves less than 10 times, talk to your healthcare provider.
When you are 29 weeks pregnant, your baby has also learned to use its brain to control primitive breathing. This means that if your baby is born now, he or she could probably breathe independently. He or she is also a lot better at controlling body temperature at this point in your pregnancy.
Other fetal development that is occurring around week 29 of pregnancy includes the following:
The baby will be able to turn his or her head to find the source of a bright light. Your baby is continuing to become more sensitive to sounds, tastes, and smells.
The fat layers will continue to form.
The head is in proportion to the rest of the body.
The eyes can move in the sockets.
The bones are fully developed, but they are still soft and pliable.
The baby will begin to store iron, calcium, and phosphorus.
During week 29 of pregnancy, your baby's adrenal glands (glands right above the kidneys) will begin to produce hormones such as androgen. These hormones will travel to the placenta and stimulate it to make estrogen. This estrogen will stimulate your body to form the hormone prolactin.
Prolactin is a hormone that will cause you to make colostrum, which is the milk that will feed your baby in the first few days after birth, if you choose to breastfeed. Colostrum is richer in protein and lower in fat and milk sugar than the breast milk that comes a few days after delivery. It also contains antibodies that may help protect your baby from disease.
From time to time, you may begin to experience pelvic pain. This happens as your uterus is growing, the ligaments that hold it are stretching, and the pelvic bones are shifting. Most of the time, you'll feel this pain in the groin area or the inside of the thighs. It is common with activities such as walking, exercising, lifting your legs to get out of bed, or putting on your underwear. You may also experience it when laughing, coughing, or sneezing. Resting or adjusting your position should help.
I seem to be finally recovering from my cold. Today is the first day in over a week that I have actually felt ok.
Max had been pretty quiet this morning until I started doing the update. Maybe he can sense I am talking about him. :) He tends to be an active baby, moving around a lot and kicking frequently. Happily he hasn't yet kicked me in a painful way. And he's still pretty nice about kicking, waiting a moment, and then kicking again in the same place. That makes it easier for other people to feel him moving.
I'm still having frequent heartburn but it is less than it was before I got some tips on how to handle it. Nightime is still pretty tough for me. Between the heartburn and the cold and the constant need to pee, it is really hard for me to get to sleep. And tired as I might be during the day, I can't seem to get a nap. Someone calls or someone needs something or I just can't get comfy enough to fall asleep. I'm hoping to catch up on some sleep over the weekend.
My parents are coming up today and bringing the crib. I bought the crib set over the weekend so I am very excited about getting the bed set up and the sheets on it. I think that will make me feel a lot more prepared. :)
Here's the 29 week update:
You are 29 weeks pregnant. Now baby's head is proportionate to the rest of her body. Your baby continues to gain weight and fat gathers under her skin. By now, the brain controls a primitive form of breathing. Her eyes are also moving inside the sockets and are able to respond to light and dark.
Your baby's adrenal glands have also started to produce the hormones including androgen and estrogen which stimulate the hormone prolactin in the mother's body. This causes her to make colostrum, a nutritious milk that feeds baby in the first few days after birth.
Feel Like a Punching Bag?Those first few delicate flutters that you first felt way back in your pregnancy have now turned into sharp jabs and hard kicks, some powerful enough to take your breath away! Yes, baby is active now but if, for some reason, you do notice that it's been a bit quiet in there, keep count of fetal kicks. If you can't feel anything, drink some fruit juice and then lie down; this can often lead to some baby gymnastics! You should be counting about ten fetal movements each hour.
Week 29
How Big is the Baby at 29 Weeks Pregnant?By pregnancy week 29 your baby weighs about 2.7 pounds and is more than 16 and a half inches long!
Your Baby's Growth and DevelopmentBy 29 weeks pregnant baby has now entered the third trimester, week 29! From pregnancy 29 weeks and beyond you will experience among other things rapid weight gain. Your baby's muscles and lungs will continue to develop and mature during your pregnancy at 29 weeks and the weeks ahead. At 29 weeks pregnancy your baby's brain is also developing and maturing, with billions of neurons forming daily. Your baby requires more nutrition than ever from 29 weeks pregnant and beyond, so it is important that you do everything possible to eat well and get plenty of sleep during this important developmental period!
Your Growth and DevelopmentBy 29 weeks pregnancy your uterus is now about 3 and a half to four inches above your belly button. Your weight gain may be as high as 25 to 26 pounds by pregnancy week 29. You definitely look and feel pregnant for the remainder of your pregnancy week by week!
Changes in YouWelcome to the third trimester! By pregnancy at 29 weeks you may begin thinking about all of the neat aspects of having a newborn baby, such as labor and delivery!
By pregnancy week 29 you are probably plagued by heartburn once again, as your belly grows more and more substantial each day. You should be paying attention to your baby's movements each and every day from pregnancy week 29. In general you will notice patterns of rest and wakefulness in your baby. If you notice any abnormal movement patterns or a substantial reduction in movement be sure to contact your healthcare provider immediately.
Now more than ever it is important that you eat several small meals per day. Your baby needs the nutrients, and your digestive processes have slowed tremendously due to rising levels of progesterone and the decreasing space in your belly.
It is also important that you drink plenty of water during the third trimester to help ward off constipation, which can result in hemorrhoids.
Now is the time to start enjoying the last few weeks of your pregnancy. Many women find this time liberating. This is the last time you will have to pamper yourself for quite some time to come. If you are in the mood you should take some time to grab a facial or pedicure while you still can. Nothing makes a laboring mother look better than a set of well manicured toes!
29 Weeks Pregnant: An Overview
Now you're 29 weeks pregnant -- only 12 more weeks to go.
As you embark on the final months of your pregnancy, expect to put on at least 10 more pounds. One thing to keep in mind when looking for parking spots is to make sure to have a little extra room on your side. At 29 weeks pregnant, there is no more slipping quickly in or out of the car. You may have already learned that you need to have the car door completely open so that you can get out. You may even need a little help from your partner.
At 29 weeks pregnant, your baby is about 10.5 inches in length from crown to rump and weighs about 2 pounds, 12 ounces.
As your baby continues to grow during week 29 of pregnancy, his or her movements will become more frequent and vigorous. Some of the movements may even take your breath away! If you notice a decrease in movement from your baby, you should do a fetal kick count by counting the number of times that your baby moves in one hour. By the time you are 29 weeks pregnant, your baby should move at least 10 times in one hour. If your baby moves less than 10 times, talk to your healthcare provider.
When you are 29 weeks pregnant, your baby has also learned to use its brain to control primitive breathing. This means that if your baby is born now, he or she could probably breathe independently. He or she is also a lot better at controlling body temperature at this point in your pregnancy.
Other fetal development that is occurring around week 29 of pregnancy includes the following:
The baby will be able to turn his or her head to find the source of a bright light. Your baby is continuing to become more sensitive to sounds, tastes, and smells.
The fat layers will continue to form.
The head is in proportion to the rest of the body.
The eyes can move in the sockets.
The bones are fully developed, but they are still soft and pliable.
The baby will begin to store iron, calcium, and phosphorus.
During week 29 of pregnancy, your baby's adrenal glands (glands right above the kidneys) will begin to produce hormones such as androgen. These hormones will travel to the placenta and stimulate it to make estrogen. This estrogen will stimulate your body to form the hormone prolactin.
Prolactin is a hormone that will cause you to make colostrum, which is the milk that will feed your baby in the first few days after birth, if you choose to breastfeed. Colostrum is richer in protein and lower in fat and milk sugar than the breast milk that comes a few days after delivery. It also contains antibodies that may help protect your baby from disease.
From time to time, you may begin to experience pelvic pain. This happens as your uterus is growing, the ligaments that hold it are stretching, and the pelvic bones are shifting. Most of the time, you'll feel this pain in the groin area or the inside of the thighs. It is common with activities such as walking, exercising, lifting your legs to get out of bed, or putting on your underwear. You may also experience it when laughing, coughing, or sneezing. Resting or adjusting your position should help.
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