Friday, September 21, 2007

14 weeks and 1 day

I was in an all day meeting yesterday and missed out on my chance to do the 14 week update.

I'm definitely showing now. None of my pre-pregnancy clothes fit. I am very lucky to have so many good friends who have loaned me their maternity clothes. The extreme fatigue and morning sickness are getting better although today was definitely not a good day for me. I was pretty much sick all day. I'm still 2 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight but as long as the baby is growing well I'm not going to worry about it. I am just going to try to eat meals with positive nutritional value whenever possible.

Here's the scoop on what's going on at 14 weeks:
How your baby's growing:Head to bottom, your baby's 3 1/2 inches long — about the length of a lemon — and weighs about 1 1/2 ounces. Her body's growing faster than her head, which now sits upon a more well-defined neck. By the end of this week, her arms will have lengthened and will be in proportion to the rest of her body. (Her legs still have some growing to do, though.) She's starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair all over her body (called lanugo). Her liver starts secreting bile this week, a sign that it's already functioning properly, and her spleen starts contributing to the production of red blood cells. She's also producing and discharging urine into the amniotic fluid, a normal process that she'll keep up until birth. You still can't feel your baby's movements, but her hands and feet (which are now half an inch long) are more flexible and active. Thanks to brain impulses, her little facial muscles are getting a workout as she squints, frowns, and grimaces. She can grasp now, too, and she may be able to suck her thumb.
What your baby's up toYour baby's body systems are starting to work on their own. His digestive system practices moving food along the intestines and the renal system as he creates and eliminates urine. He also continues to practice "breathing" the amniotic fluid in and out of its lungs. Your baby is still growing hair and may have begun to suck his thumb. Your baby is approximately 10-11.5 cm (3 1/2 - 4 inches) and weighs approximately 1.5 ounces.
Also, your baby's blood is beginning to form in the bone marrow and blood vessels are beginning to form on various parts of the fetus, connecting one to another. The joints and muscles allow your baby full body movement so your baby is able to move around more. Your baby's neck is getting longer and his chin is no longer resting on his chest. The eyes and ears continue to move into place as he continues to look more and more like a human. The hands are becoming functional and reflex movements often occur. All nourishment to your baby goes from you, to the placenta straight to your baby, so remember, some of what you eat and drink is getting through to baby. It is still to early to tell by ultrasound if you are having a boy or a girl, but the doctor could tell using special tests.
Amniotic fluid is an amazing substance as it completely regenerates itself every three hours. All we really knows about amniotic fluid is that it is partially composed of urine from the baby, but where amniotic fluid in general is made we are not sure. Modern medicine still has some surprises left.

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