Thursday, February 21, 2008

It is starting to seem more real...

So tonight was the last night of knitting class. Max is due in exactly 4 weeks. Knitting classes go for 5 weeks. So this was the last knitting class that I will see to the end. Next week a new class will start but Max will arrive before they finish their 5 week session. And I won't be able to help out with the classes for quite a few weeks. That makes it seem all the more real. I'm going to have a baby and my life is going to change. I know that. But in some ways it also seems like I am just going to be pregnant forever. I've been pregnant for so long. And I have tried not to focus on having a baby since that seemed like a good way to drive myself crazy while waiting and waiting and waiting for it to be time for Max to arrive. But now we are down to less than a month. Max could arrive at any point during that month or after that. And when he does, things will change. Concrete specific things. There are the general things like still not being able to sleep. But there are other things like not being able to teach knitting class. It will all be worth it to have Max here. But I guess it is good there is such a long adjustment period. I am sure that nothing will be able to prepare me for what comes next. But at least there is a good long time for me to try to prepare myself. :)

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