Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pre-Natal Class #5

Sadly the stupid pregnant chick was wrong about when she was being induced. She was at class this week because she is having her baby NEXT Friday. And she was just as annoying and stupid as ever. One of the highlights was her finding out that she can't microwave the baby's bottle. She seems to feel like putting the bottle in a bowl of warm water is too time consuming. At least she won't be there next week, right?

The class this week was all about breast-feeding. I was very interested to learn as much as I could this week at class. I went to the La Leche League meeting with Krista last Saturday and I learned a lot there. And so this class was a good review of some of that information and provided more information as well. I am starting to feel better about the idea of breast feeding. I definitely want to do it but I have a lot of worries that I won't be able to do it. Everyone seems to be saying there are lots of ways to get help and that Max and I can learn together how to be successful. There is another La Leche League meeting on March 1st and I am hoping to make it to that meeting as well. That meeting is focused on possible troubles with breastfeeding and how to overcome them. Sounds like an ideal class.

Next week's class is our last class and we will be learning about the transition from hospital to home. I'm curious to see what that involves. Mark has successfully kept two kids alive so I am not too worried about the transition. :)

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