Friday, March 21, 2008

Feeling sick...

Last Sunday I was really sick and we were hopeful that it was a sign Max was coming soon. It wasn't. Today I am feeling really sick again. And again hopeful that it is a sign that Max will arrive soon.

I am happy to report that I can now breathe through my nose sometimes. Not all the time. But sometimes. And that is a huge improvement.

I am feeling better about having a date for being induced. It is good to know that no matter what Max will be out by this time next week. And we are working on plans to deal with Nik and Julian over the weekend if Max comes early. If we make it to Monday without having Max then we are back to relying on kindercare and school to take care of the kids for the bulk of the day. That makes me feel much better, since I am worried about asking too much of my friends who are willing to take care of the kids while we are at the hospital.

I'm going to try to rest and relax as much as possible today to see if I can start feeling better. Being very still seems to help. I got the kids off to kindercare so there is no where else I need to go today. So there is no need to move off the couch unless I want to. I can sit here with my laptop on my lap and be productive.

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